Wednesday, August 10, 2011

849 Cardinal Lane

I found these photos of my grandparents and me when I was around 6 years old. We are in their backyard at 849 Cardinal Lane in NJ. One photo is with my dad and the other with my mom.

That house and the woods behind it hold tons of memories for me. I still have dreams about being in the kitchen with my grandmother and taking long walks in the woods to the old tree house.

The path through the woods was kind of magical for me as a kid. In the fall, we would pick up colored leaves and iron them in wax paper sealing them in that point in time for years until the wax separated and they disintegrated.

I remember so many big family dinners that were held there and drawing on my little red schoolhouse desk. It's these memories that I return to more and more often as I get older.

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